Naked Ladies
Figure 1. Naked Ladies (Colchicum species).
Image Credit · Morné Muller
Every once in a while nature can surprise even the most fervent bush lovers, nature enthusiasts and scientists. By sometimes bending the rules of literature (academic books & nature guides), nature has proven itself untameable and capable of operating outside the “expected norm”. This brings in to question the essence of nature (1) and how we as humans take pleasure in understanding various facts and processes thereof. Certain instances may, however, keep even the brightest and most experiencedminds in a humble state, and continue stimulating the need to learn and understand the dynamics of our natural environment. Kameelhoek is one example of the essence of nature where surprises and sometimes unexplainable events can be witnessed and discovered. Every day holds an exciting opportunity for those willing to take a walk or go for a ride on horseback, to encounter and experience something new.
An example of such an event was witnessed shortly after the first spring rains fell on the dried-out soil of the Kameelwoud (Camelthorn woodland) in the south-western parts of the territory. Three tiny little flowers, of which I could not identify, caught my attention whilst passing by (Figure 1). The conspicuous pink petals and yellow stamen, only just protruding from the soil, left me baffled as the filing system in my brain could not seem to recognise the beautiful little plant. Even after analysing photographic evidence and seeking verification from additional resources, I was unable to accurately verify the identity of this little pink beauty.
My only reference at this point was to identify characteristic features of the plant that would enable me to find possible family members in the area (species of the same genus). The closest documented relative I could identify was Colchicum autumnale, better known as the Naked Ladies from Great Britain. An interesting observation, especially regarding the amazing history of the region, and an occurrence that truly requires some further investigation. The subtle presence of this little pink flower may unlock a mystery of discovery or a re-discovery where new knowledge of a species may help to understand the dynamics of an age-old ecosystem. For now, and until then, we will be on the lookout for those Naked Ladies of Kameelhoek.
*(1) Essence of nature – the intrinsic character of the natural world.